Viddy and Waboba Create a SplashMob

Waboba, the ball that bounces on water, and Viddy, a social media video application, have teamed up to host the first Viddy Meet up and Beach Party SplashMob. People meet for a giant game of Waboba at a selected water location and videos, or “Viddys” will be created and posted on, a social media application designed to share bite-sized videos.

Beat the heat and join all the Wabobians folks from Viddy on August 11, from noon until 4:00 pm in front of 101 Ocean Walk at Venice Beach. Videos will be randomly released on the Waboba Facebook page and may pop up on active adventure sites around the web. Visit to learn more.

This post was originally written by Lindsay Gordon and published by For more news, visit, follow The Toy Book on Twitter, and like The Toy Book on Facebook. The Toy Book is a bimonthly trade magazine covering the toy industry, published by Adventure Publishing Group.

About the author

Lindsay Gordon

Lindsay Gordon
