Asmodee’s Atomic Mass Games studio is launching an updated core set for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. 

The tabletop game is played using miniatures, cards, and dice. Since the game first launched, Atomic Mass Games has introduced more than 100 Marvel characters to the game. The new core set, Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Earth’s Mightiest Core Set, features updated characters and cards with the same rules players are already familiar with.

Source: Atomic Mass Games

“When we created the original MCP Core Set, we worked our butts off to make it the best, most compelling, and fully formed starter experience for any miniatures game,” says Will Schick, Director of Product Development for Atomic Mass Games. “We’ve learned so much over the last four years since the original core set’s release. Even though we’ve been able to keep the game rules updated and in line with what we feel is creating the best Crisis Protocol game experience ever, we were hungry for the chance to be able to update the original Core Set experience to ensure that it remains one of the best starter experiences in tabletop miniatures gaming.”

Atomic Mass Games is also expanding Marvel: Crisis Protocol into different languages. Soon, consumers will be able to buy the game in Spanish, French, and German.

“When we started AMG we simply did not have the bandwidth to launch the game localized, but it’s always something we wanted to figure out how to incorporate in the future,” says Simone Elliott, Atomic Mass Games’ Head of Studio. “When we started the internal development for Earth’s Mightiest Core Set, we knew it would be the perfect opportunity.”

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Earth’s Mightiest Core Set will hit shelves starting this fall.

About the author

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley is assistant editor for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book with a Master's in journalism from Quinnipiac University. When she isn’t writing her latest story, she is reading a fantasy novel or rewatching one of her three favorite TV shows over and over again. She’s also a big fan of showing people pictures of her two dogs and cat.
