Webkinz World Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Twitter Party

Ganz is celebrating the 5th anniversary of Webkinz World on April 29, which is being hailed as Webkinz Day. The day will be highlighted by a Twitter party—a first for Webkinz—featuring prizes, new information about upcoming Webkinz releases, and more. The Twitter party, hosted by Ganz and Resourceful Mommy, will be held from 8 to 9 p.m. this Thursday. To learn more, visit www.webkinznewz.com.

Launched in 2005 by Ganz, Webkinz pets combine plush with the world of the Internet. In Webkinz World, children can adopt a pet, play games, do quizzes, create rooms, earn KinzCash, and “chat” with other members. Since its launch, new languages and features have been added, including Zumwhere, the Caring Valley, and the Kinzville Academy.

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