The Toy Book Takes A Look at PlayStation Vita

Today, The Toy Book had a chance to preview PlayStation’s holiday products, including the PlayStation Vita.

The new handheld gaming hardware has a five-inch OLED touch screen, dual analog sticks (for console-like control), front and rear cameras, and Wi-FI connectivity. Some of the most innovative features include the rear touch pad that allows for an updated gaming experience and the six motion sensors that enable the players to really emerge themselves in the game.

ModNation Racers was the game The Toy Book got to check out on the Vita. With the front and rear touch pads players can build their own tracks easily, just using their fingers. Players can also download, at any time, any PS3 user-generated creation, including more than two million Mods, Karts, and Tracks using the Wi-Fi available on the device.

About the author

Jill Feigelman

Jill Feigelman

Summer 2011 intern for The Toy Book/Specialty Toys & Gifts
