Emoji Co., known for its immediately recognizable Emoji brand, has appointed Cronus Global as its exclusive licensing agency representing the brand in the U.S. and Canada. 

The Emoji brand has more than 25,000 designs, with its popular icons used frequently in communications across various platforms. With Cronus Global as its exclusive representative, Emoji Co. hopes to see the brand expand further with new licensing partnerships and other collaborations. The new deal comes just in time for the upcoming Licensing Expo from May 21-23.

Together, we aim to further cultivate the presence of the Emoji brand in the U.S. and Canada and connect with consumers in a unique and organic way through a blend of licensing, partnerships, and collaboration initiatives.
— Marco Huesges, CEO and Founder of Emoji Co. GmbH

Cronus Global will host an emoji-themed lounge at Licensing Expo in Booth No. E196. Visitors can enjoy a seating area featuring pillow versions of various emoji icons as well as watch emoji video shorts.

Source: Emoji Co.

“The Emoji brand has become a universal means of expression, transcending language barriers and resonating with people of all ages and backgrounds,” says Kristin Calzada, President of Cronus Global. “Through strategic licensing programs, collaborations, and partnership efforts, we intend to amplify the reach of this iconic brand to further engage consumers across the U.S. and Canada.”

Those interested in more information about licensing opportunities with the Emoji brand can contact Cronus Global directly or connect with the company through the Licensing Expo platform.

Be sure to connect with The Toy Book and The Pop Insider at Licensing Expo at Stand No. G234. Click here to view our profile page on the Licensing Expo Meetings Platform.

About the author

Bug Hartsock

Bug Hartsock

Bug is a News Writer for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book. They are also a Master’s student in biology, currently studying sleep in arthropods. When they aren’t writing or working with small critters, they spend their time reading sci-fi novels, playing tabletop RPGs, or throwing creative projects at the wall. Bug had a mullet once, and is not against having one again. Reach out or find more from them at their website.
