Treats at Home: Halloween | Source: Jakks Pacific/The Toy Book

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force creativity and evolution across a variety of industries, including toys that incorporate seasonal elements.

As the owner of Disguise Inc., Jakks Pacific is a major player in the Halloween business, and this year, the company is introducing a new product range in an effort to connect with families during the spooky season while cross-pollinating its toys and costumes: Treats at Home.

Available Oct. 5, Treats at Home: Halloween launches with sets inspired by Super Mario and Frozen II.

Source: Jakks Pacific/The Toy Book.

Similar to the recently revealed Elf and Gremlins advent/countdown calendars, the Treats at Home sets each feature doors that kids can open to reveal surprises, but with a pandemic twist. Each set includes 10 postcard invitations that are intended to be sent via USPS to friends and family members to invite them to a virtual trick-or-treating event at home via Zoom, Facetime, Google Meets, or any video conferencing platform of choice.

During the video calls, participants will be encouraged to dress up and show their costumes as kids open the doors to reveal surprise “treats.”

The Super Mario set features eight figures and two accessories from the World of Nintendo in a Boo Mansion pop-up environment. The Frozen II set includes 10 figures based on Arendelle’s most famous residents, including Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven, and multiple fashion looks for Anna and Elsa.

The back of each box has cross-sell messaging promoting the Disguise range of costumes. Treats at Home: Halloween sets are available at Amazon, Target, and select specialty retailers.

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About the author

James Zahn

James Zahn

James Zahn, AKA The Rock Father, is Editor-in-Chief of The Toy Book and Co-President of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA). He is also a Senior Editor at The Toy Insider and The Pop Insider, and Editor of The Toy Report, The Toy Book‘s weekly industry newsletter. As a pop culture and toy industry expert, Zahn has appeared as a panelist and guest at events including Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC), New York Comic Con, Wizard World Chicago, and the ASTRA Marketplace & Academy. Zahn has more than 30 years of experience in the entertainment, retail, and publishing industries, and is frequently called upon to offer expert commentary for publications such as Forbes, Marketwatch, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USA Today, Reuters, the Washington Post, and more. James has appeared on History Channel’s Modern Marvels, was interviewed by Larry King and Anderson Cooper, and has been seen on Yahoo! Finance, CNN, CNBC, FOX Business, NBC, ABC, CBS, WGN, The CW, and more. Zahn joined the Adventure Media & Events family in 2016, initially serving as a member of the Parent Advisory Board after penning articles for the Netflix Stream Team, Fandango Family, PBS KIDS, Sprout Parents (now Universal Kids), PopSugar, and Chicago Parent. He eventually joined the company full time as a Senior Editor and moved up the ranks to Deputy Editor and Editor-in-Chief.
