One Animation launched Oddbods Go-Kards today on Kickstarter. The card-based racing board game, based on the non-dialogue animation series, is a partnership with game developer Playware.

In the game, players race to cross the finish line while navigating challenges and obstacles planted throughout the track and taking opportunities to prank their competitors. Each of the board and card actions relate to the 7 Oddbods’ core personality traits.

Players can also use the game’s interchangeable track to build their own board-game of any size. The game’s functions are also modular, allowing players to add or remove levels of strategy and complexity to suit a variety of ages.

Oddbods Go-Kards launches on Kickstarter today and will run to December 3. The basic family set includes 80 play pieces, and the pro set priced includes 155 pieces.

About the author

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley was a Senior Editor at The Pop Insider, The Toy Insider, and The Toy Book. She covered all things toys and fandom, and has appeared on Cheddar and a variety of regional news networks to talk about the latest trends in both. She is a movie score enthusiast, mediocre knitter, proud Syracuse alumna, and Marvel lover. You can usually find her at the movies or hanging out at home with her super-pup, Parker.
