An Inside Look at Marketing in Today’s World

by KASSANDRA O’BRIEN, Senior Vice President of Marketing, ChizSix Marketing & Media

When I say “influencer marketing,” 95% of people will understand what I mean, and 75% of you probably wish you were an influencer. 

But, this wasn’t always the case. Picture this: It’s the 1990s, and your go-to PR move was faxing over a hard copy of your piece in The New York Times. Now fast forward to the present, and you’re direct messaging an 18-year-old TikTok dancer hoping they can bring your new toy or game to virality. 

Welcome to influencer marketing in the digital age, folks! I’ve worked on hundreds of influencer campaigns over the last 10 years, and here are a few things to note:


Gone are the days when celebrities were the only influencers on the block. Now that the digital age has leveled the playing field, anyone with a smartphone and a bit of charisma (an adorable dog doesn’t hurt) can become an influencer. Deciding whether to opt for micro- or macro-level influencers depends on budget, messaging, overall goal, and what makes the most sense for your brand. Additionally, you’ll want to look at every possible avenue you have to leverage their content: Does it allow for social repurposing, digital ads, or point of purchase? These factors can be game-changers when it comes to amplifying your campaign. 


One of the primary reasons influencer marketing has thrived in the digital age is its inherent authenticity. While traditional advertising can sometimes feel forced, influencers have mastered the art of seamlessly integrating promotion into the content their followers already love. When a beauty influencer shares their skincare routine featuring a particular product or a travel influencer showcases a hotel stay, it doesn’t come off as hard of a sell as the 30-second unskippable ad that came before it. Instead, the advertisement is relayed and perceived as a trusted recommendation.


Over the years, I have seen it all when it comes to sampling influencers on an earned basis. Anyone who has can relate to sending products and watching in horror as brand names are mispronounced or showcased in every way but the way they should be. But even then, those faux pas can still end up creating buzz. Because in the digital age, perfection is passé, and relatability reigns supreme. Except when it comes to selfies — then it’s all about that Valencia filter.


It’s one thing to have a large follower count (the more eyeballs, the better), but we also need to look for engagement. Someone can have 1 million followers, but if their channel is only getting 10 likes per post, their content is not resonating. More often than not, choosing a smaller influencer with 20,000 followers and an engagement rate of 5% can get you the most bang for your buck! It shows their audience is clearly more engaged, and it might reflect a stronger sales ROI. 


Aligning a brand with the right influencer can feel like online dating. Sometimes, you find the perfect match, while other times, you end up stuck with a catfish only in it for freebies. But every once in a while, an odd pairing creates the most memorable campaigns. Think ice cream brands partnering with fitness fanatics: “Eat this pint; then do three burpees.” It’s all about balance and finding something that will pop!

To sum it up, you’ve gotta roll with the digital punches. Influencer marketing in the digital age is a wild, ever-changing ride for us PR folks. One with a constant gamble of hilarity, facepalms, and those golden moments when a campaign goes viral for all the right reasons. And while we might reminisce about simpler times of press releases and newspaper clippings, there’s no denying the power and reach of a well-placed influencer post.

About the author

Kassandra O'Brien

Kassandra O'Brien

Kassandra O'Brien leads ChizSix as Senior Vice President of Marketing & Communications. For more than 10 years, she has developed and executed PR and marketing programs across toys, collectible, gaming, entertainment, and more.
